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Rx for Disaster

You have unused medications on the shelf. A friend offers a painkiller because he or she had extra. You went to a party and were given some pills that made you feel pretty good. You are not causing trouble — so there is no trouble, right?

Well, wrong.  Using prescription drugs without a valid prescription is trouble, and keeping unused or expired medication can cause trouble.

Many people believe consuming prescription drugs is safe.  However, like marijuana or alcohol, pharmaceutical compounds are drugs.  The serious addictive qualities of the pain reliever OxyContin are well known.

While pharmaceuticals are prescribed by professionals, the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General reports many people arrested for abusing or distributing prescription drugs are doctors and nurses.  Our office vigorously defends healthcare professionals charged with possession, and possession with intent to deliver, among other charges.

Facing drug charges is frightening, difficult, and can carry long-term consequences. Recognizing good people get caught with bad drugs, the Pennsylvania Attorney General recently teamed with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for the fourth nationwide prescription Take-Back Day.

On April 28, Pennsylvania participated in the federal program to collected unwanted and expired prescription drugs.  On the last Take-Back day in October 2011, 188 tons of prescription pills were collected across the country for proper disposal.  Unneeded drugs cause social, environmental, and legal damage.

If you have extra pills, dispose of them.  If you believe you have a substance abuse problem, contact your doctor.  And if you face drug charges, call us.

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