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Category Archives: License Suspension

Pennsylvania to End Mandatory License Suspensions for Some Crimes

The Pennsylvania State Legislature recently passed House Bill 163, which will eliminate mandatory driver’s license suspensions in cases involving drug crimes that were not related to driving. The state had been one of only about a dozen left that would implement mandatory driver’s license suspensions in cases that had nothing to do with operating a […]

Activists Push for Pennsylvania to Stop Suspending Licenses for Non-Driving Offenses

In recent months, activists and those in the legal community have pushed Pennsylvania lawmakers to create legislation that would stop the suspension of licenses for individuals charged with offenses unrelated to driving. Currently mandatory license revocation applies to serious non-driving offenses such as drug crimes and failure to pay child support, but it can also […]

Expect Higher Costs for Refusing a Breathalyzer Test in 2018

Senate Bill 533 officially took effect January 11. The law mandates certain changes to some of Pennsylvania’s driving under the influence (DUI) laws, including a new fee for people who refuse to submit to a blood alcohol content (BAC) test. These changes come in the wake of a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision that police […]

Driver Who Had License Suspended After Drug Conviction Sues to Repeal Pennsylvania Law

Russell Harold, a 52-year-old man from the Philadelphia area, has seen his fair share of legal troubles over the past few years. He was arrested in Philadelphia for drug possession when police caught him with prescription pills and marijuana in his pocket. He was sentenced to two years of probation, along with a two-year driver’s […]

Helpful Tips for Challenging a Speeding Ticket

In most cases, speeding is a traffic infraction rather than a crime, unless there are exacerbating circumstances. Still, the consequences for a speeding ticket can be severe in some cases, especially if you have a history of citations on your record. You may need to pay large fines or suffer the consequences of a license […]

‘Constitutional Carry’ Could Affect Pennsylvania Gun Crime Laws

Pennsylvania Rep. Rick Saccone (R-Elizabeth Township, Allegheny County), who has been in the news for his efforts to eliminate license suspensions as a punishment for non-driving offenses, is now pushing for the commonwealth to become a “constitutional carry” state for firearms. In a constitutional carry state, lawful gun owners may carry a handgun and certain […]

Pennsylvania Legislature to Consider Bills to End License Suspensions for Non-Driving Offenses

Certain criminal offenses, including many drug crimes, may lead to the loss or suspension of a driver’s license in Pennsylvania. For example, those convicted of drug offenses and who serve several months in prison could complete their sentences and still have their licenses under suspension. There are now several bills pending in the Pennsylvania legislature […]

Concealed Carry Requirements and Information in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, like almost every other state, allows citizens to apply for concealed carry permits, enabling them to carry concealed firearms on their person or in their vehicles. In the Keystone State, anyone who is 21 years of age or older may submit an Application for a Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms to their county sheriff […]

Obtaining a Restricted Driver’s License in Pennsylvania

If you have had your driver’s license temporarily suspended in Pennsylvania, you may be wondering how you will be able to transport yourself to school or work. It’s important to know that you do have some options if you find yourself in this difficult situation. Pennsylvania law allows you to apply for a restricted driver’s […]

Potential Legal Issues in Underage Drinking Cases

While underage drinking is, in the long run, certainly not the most serious crime that a young person can be found guilty of, it definitely has plenty of harsh penalties in the aftermath of the incident and will stay on the defendant’s record for years. The most common penalties for underage drinking include a possible […]


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