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Author Archives: David R. Eshelman

Kill Switch Technology and Your Smartphone

In 2012, 1.6 Americans had their smartphones stolen. Almost one out of three robberies involves a smartphone, costing Americans $30 billion. There is even an expression to describe the theft of iPhones, iPads and iPods: Apple picking. Yet it is a crime that could be ended instantly. It’s called a “kill switch.” This new technology, […]

Once You Have Served Your Time

Although some states have permanent or conditional limitations on the ability of ex-felons to participate fully in our democratic society, Pennsylvania does not prevent ex-felons from voting. Only felons who are still incarcerated are prohibited from voting. Once released, on either parole or probation, the right to vote for Pennsylvania residents is automatically restored. In […]

Adderall Drug Abuse Trends Among College Students

Adderall is a medication used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The drug uses a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine to control symptoms of ADHD, giving those with the disorder greater focus. It’s become the drug of choice among college students and high performing young professionals. But Adderall possession is a crime if you do […]

National Transportation Safety Board Calls for Lowering Blood Alcohol Limits

According to Reaching Zero: Actions to Eliminate Alcohol Impaired Driving —a report released by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) — nearly 10,000 people are killed in automobile accidents involving alcohol-impaired drivers each year in the United States. Another 173,000 are injured, 27,000 of whom suffer incapacitating injuries. Although the actual number of highway fatalities […]

Vermont Decriminalizes Possession of Marijuana for Personal Use

Vermont joins 16 other states in decriminalizing possession of marijuana by adults for personal use. Civil fines will replace criminal penalties for possession of up to an ounce of marijuana or 5 grams of hashish. Anyone possessing marijuana under the age of 21 will be subject to the same treatment as they would be for […]

New DNA Testing Coming to Pennsylvania

The United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, has ruled that police can constitutionally collect DNA samples, along with fingerprints, at the arrest of suspects charged with serious crimes. Additionally, the Pennsylvania Senate has just passed legislation to strengthen the state’s DNA laws, similar to the statute validated in Maryland v. King. First year […]

Four Tips to Keep Your Child from Becoming a Bully

It seems like every week there is another story about a schoolyard bully torturing his prey, sometimes to the point where the victim commits suicide. Schools, victims’ rights groups and community groups are creating awareness of the problem and asking adults to get involved. Many of tomorrow’s criminals begin as today’s bullies, so curbing your […]

Probable Cause or Reasonable Suspicion

What’s the difference? A driver is steering his Chevy Camaro down the highway within the speed limit late on a Saturday night. Can a police officer pull him over to make sure he is not drunk? Can a suspicious-looking person peering into car windows while holding a long screwdriver be arrested for attempted burglary? The […]

Judge or Jury: Five Factors to Consider

Under Pennsylvania’s constitution, both the accused and the prosecution are entitled to request a jury trial for certain criminal charges. If both sides waive their right to a jury trial, a judge presides instead. Consider these factors when deciding whether to fight your case in front of a judge or jury. 1. The burden of […]

A Heroin and Prescription Drug Epidemic in Pennsylvania

Three steps you can take to protect your family There was a recent article about heroin addiction in The Mercury that might scare any parent of an adolescent or young adult. Law enforcement officers are reporting an increase in the use and abuse of heroin and related prescription drugs across all social classes in Reading […]


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