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Category Archives: DUI

Pennsylvania Woman Charged with DUI After Box of Prescription Drugs Found in Vehicle

A Pennsylvania woman was charged with driving under the influence after she crashed her vehicle near the Holland tunnel in New Jersey, according to Port Authority police. The 54-year-old Pottstown, Pennsylvania resident was also charged with careless driving, reckless driving and failure to yield at an intersection. She had previously been involved in another car […]

Suspect in Fatal DUI Case Loses Chance at Plea Deal

A man from Pennsylvania facing charges related to a fatal car accident he allegedly caused while driving under the influence of morphine and alcohol was not allowed to plead guilty after failing a drug test. The 28-year-old man reportedly appeared drowsy in court, which led court officials to be suspicious of his sobriety. The Cambria […]

Pennsylvania Senator Gets Probation for DUI

A high-ranking official in the Pennsylvania state senate was accepted into a probation program for first-time offenders after being accused of operating his motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol. Sen. Pat Browne of Lehigh was officially charged with driving under the influence after a May accident on an off-ramp of Interstate 78 after blood […]

What Happens When Police Stop Vehicles to Administer Sobriety Tests?

Police officers who suspect drivers to be legally drunk will likely pull over those individuals for some sort of traffic violation or suspicious driving movements, such as weaving, crossing the center line or extremely slow driving. While you are still in your vehicle, an officer will look for visible signs of intoxication based on how […]

Pennsylvania Participates in National DUI Crackdown

Police throughout Pennsylvania are taking part in a national initiative focused on the aggressive enforcement of driving under the influence (DUI) laws. The national campaign is called “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” and the Pennsylvania Driving Under the Influence Association announced that state police would officially be participating. There are more than 50 DUI […]

Pennsylvania State Senator Wants Tougher DUI Laws

Sen. Lloyd Smucker, a Republican state senator from Lancaster, is working on a new bill that would add some tough new elements to the state’s laws regarding driving under the influence (DUI). The bill would target people who have had more than two DUI convictions within a 10-year period. Repeat offenders whose actions result in […]

An Overview of DUI Laws in Pennsylvania

Many critics have suggested in the past that Pennsylvania has some of the most lenient driving under the influence (DUI) laws in the nation. But why is this? One reason could be the lack of minimum jail time for some first offenses and the relatively small minimum amounts for some second and third offenses, as […]

Pennsylvania Legislator Proposes New Habitual DUI Registry

A state lawmaker in Pennsylvania is pushing for a new measure that would create a brand-new registry of people considered “habitual” drunk drivers. One effect of the proposed new law would be that people listed on the registry would be unable to purchase alcohol anywhere in the state. State Rep. Thomas Caltagirone (D-Berks) is backing […]

Pennsylvania DUI Laws Among the Most Lenient in the US

A new study by WalletHub listed Pennsylvania as one of the most lenient states in the nation in terms of strictness of driving under the influence (DUI) laws. In analyzing and comparing DUI laws across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, the organization determined Pennsylvania ranks 49th out of 51. Some of the […]

Getting to Work After a DUI Conviction

One of the worst aspects of a conviction of driving under the influence (DUI) is that most often, you lose your driver’s license for some period of time. Not only does this limit your ability to get around and enjoy recreational activities, but it also severely impacts your ability to earn a living. In fact, […]


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