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Tag Archives: drug charges

Vermont Decriminalizes Possession of Marijuana for Personal Use

Vermont joins 16 other states in decriminalizing possession of marijuana by adults for personal use. Civil fines will replace criminal penalties for possession of up to an ounce of marijuana or 5 grams of hashish. Anyone possessing marijuana under the age of 21 will be subject to the same treatment as they would be for […]

How Can the Berks County Drug Court Help You?

According to recent figures, the prison population in Pennsylvania has increased by 625% over the last 32 years. In the last eight years, Berks County has been trying to stem the increase in incarceration rates by using specialized treatment courts to get people the help they need rather than throwing them in jail. Berks County […]

Law Enforcement Use of Warrantless GPS Tracking in Pennsylvania Drug Cases

Technological innovations like GPS tracking devices can simplify our lives, but they also have a darker side that can threaten our personal liberty and privacy. Law enforcement agencies are increasingly utilizing GPS tracking tools to monitor movements of citizens often without providing probable cause to a judge or obtaining a warrant. The U.S. Supreme Court […]

Rx for Disaster

You have unused medications on the shelf. A friend offers a painkiller because he or she had extra. You went to a party and were given some pills that made you feel pretty good. You are not causing trouble — so there is no trouble, right? Well, wrong.  Using prescription drugs without a valid prescription […]

Pot, Pills, and Snow White

Drug abuse is a top health and legal issue in the United States.  The U.S. Department of Justice estimates the economic cost of drug abuse in our country is $215 billion. A rapidly expanding drug issue is prescription drug abuse. Prescription drug abuse refers to use by individuals of medication not prescribed to them, or […]

Pennsylvania and the Point System

Understanding license suspension To encourage safe driving habits and deter moving violations, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) maintains a record for each driver licensed in the state. Commonly called the point system[H1] , marks are added to that record if a driver is cited for moving violations.  Accumulation of excessive points results in graduated […]

Penalties for Pennsylvania Drug Charges

High demand and distribution of illicit drugs continues to be a serious issue for Pennsylvanians.  According to the PA Attorney General, illegal drugs are the number one threat to public safety in Pennsylvania. While cocaine, heroin, and marijuana pose serious threats, manufactured drugs like methamphetamine and club drugs are also readily available in our state.  […]


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