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Recent Blog Posts

Law Enforcement Officer Accused of Embezzlement

Lieutenant Hovie Pope Jr., a former North Carolina police officer, was indicted last month on charges of embezzlement. Pope had been a member of the North Carolina Internal Affairs Investigators Association, serving as its treasurer and even president for the 2002 – 2003 year, and it was discovered that more than $30,000 had been embezzled […]

Advocates Call for Increased Use of Ignition Interlock Devices

Since Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other safe-driving advocates have begun escalating campaigns against drunk driving, the number of states mandating the installation of Ignition Interlock Devices (IIDs) for all offenders has increased to 25 in recent years. But not many states require IIDs, a device that prevents drivers under the influence from operating their […]

Pennsylvania Allows for Restricted Driver’s License

If your driver’s license has been suspended as a result of a traffic violation conviction, it is possible to obtain a restricted license in its place. Licenses can be suspended due to accumulation of points or underage alcohol violations, which are instances in which you may be able to apply for a restricted license. If […]

Holder: Courts Should Avoid ‘Risk Assessments’ in Sentencing

Attorney General Eric Holder recently aired his concerns that judges across the nation are unfairly factoring risk assessments into their sentencing procedures, and warned that this calculation violates the rights of defendants. Increasingly, several states — including Pennsylvania and Tennessee — have been enacting the use of such risk assessment or recidivism formulas, which take […]

Facing a Second DUI Charge in PA: What You Need to Know

Pennsylvania has been ramping up its efforts to eliminate driving under the influence over the past decade, and has introduced stricter penalties for both higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels and subsequent offenses. To begin with, the penalties you face will vary depending on the tier classification of DUI. Pennsylvania considers a BAC between .08 […]

Why You Need a Defense Attorney Even if You Want to Plead Guilty

Only a small percentage of criminal cases ever go to trial. Some are dismissed at a preliminary hearing, but most are settled through a brokered guilty plea, often called a plea bargain. When the charges against you seem minor or when the evidence is overwhelming, you may assume that a defense attorney can do little […]

PA Crimes That Can Lead to Suspension of Privileges

In many cases, a first-time offender can expect to receive a fairly lenient sentence for a misdemeanor conviction — often little more than a fine or probation. However, the conviction may lead to unanticipated consequences. Certain crimes can result in the suspension of various privileges granted under the laws of Pennsylvania, including your license to […]

Prescription Crimes in Pennsylvania

Not all drug crimes involve back-alley dealings and hard-core street narcotics. Prescription fraud is also a serious offense. Yet people all too often assume that a controlled substance crime is somehow less serious because it involves a drug with legitimate medical uses. Nevertheless, drug offenses involving prescribed pills have emerged as a growing problem to […]

Seeking a Pardon in Pennsylvania

A serious criminal conviction can follow you for the rest of your life. Moreover, expungement for adult convictions in Pennsylvania is generally limited to summary convictions. As a result, most people have few options for removing a blemish from their records. If you are committed to removing a conviction from your record that does not […]

Sentencing and State Parole Violations

Many people misunderstand how criminal sentences work. As a result, defendants often struggle during plea bargain negotiations to realize what a particular sentencing range actually means in terms of time in prison. Typically, Pennsylvania state court prison sentences are handed down in terms of a range. Whether you serve the top end, bottom end or […]


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